Control Your Clutter, Control Your World
Controlling your clutter will give you the push you need to take back control of other areas in you life.
Controlling your clutter will give you the push you need to take back control of other areas in you life.
Are you on the clutter carousel? Do you mindlessly acquire things you hardly ever use without even thinking about it?
Surround yourself with things you love and reclaim your space.
Some people see their weekend as pure relaxation, but I see mine slightly differently. I do spend time relaxing, but I also see the weekend as valuable time to prepare for the week ahead;.
Do you have a house full of other people’s clutter? Are you a caretaker of clutter that isn’t yours? Well you’re not alone.
When clutter grows to the extent that it affects your lifestyle drastically and compromises your safety it becomes hoarding
You may think your clutter is just innocently lying around, but it could be harming you.
What could you be doing if you had no clutter? People who don’t have clutter are free…
Cleanse your home of clutter and feel amazing every minute you spend there.
Get rid of the clutter and you can hold your head up high and feel proud of your space.
Making decisions can be hard, especially when you’re surrounded by clutter. Deciding to clear your clutter will make your other decisions easier.
Your clutter is dead wood. It’s holding you back from achieving your goals and the life of your dreams.
Eliminating clutter magnifies your focus and enables you to achieve your goals much faster.
It’s a simple equation; fewer things = fewer lost things.
Stress is a symptom of modern life. One of the best ways I know to deal with stress is to de-clutter your environment.
You may wonder what the real point of de-cluttering is and why you should bother. Well read on for ten compelling reasons to de-clutter.
Put your hand up if your life is complicated.
Time is the most precious thing we have. If we had more time we could learn more, earn more and play more. So why do we let clutter steal our time?
I have a theory that introducing change into your home usually results in an urge to de-clutter. Try it for yourself.
It’s not just your unused possessions that are cluttering up your life. People can be clutter too.
We should know by now that clutter slows us down and makes us harassed. But did you know that clutter can even be toxic to your emotional health?
Occasionally your life can become so busy that you can’t find time to do the things that are really important to you. When that happens, you know you need to de-clutter your time.
Some people say that clutter doesn’t bother them. They say that if they don’t mind, then it doesn’t matter. But I disagree. I believe that they do mind and it does matter. They just don’t know it yet.
A lot of people have an issue with someone else’s clutter and sometimes I get asked “How can I make my children or my partner de-clutter?”
In business and in life we need to be tough on occasion. But how do we learn to develop the killer instinct needed to make these decisions?
We all know people who cannot make a decision. Their lives are a series of missed opportunities. But your clutter can teach you to be more decisive.
There are many reasons to dislike clutter but the most important one is because of the way it makes us feel.
Having too much clutter in our lives stifles us, suffocates us and makes us resistant to change. Clearing your clutter will clear your mind.
Are you delighted when a friend drops in unannounced? Or are you horror-struck at the prospect because you’re embarrassed about your clutter?
Do you have a problem? Do you want to de-clutter but you just can’t motivate yourself? This is a common problem, but I have the solution for it.
Many people believe that ‘make do and mend’ is a smart strategy. But is keeping clutter smart or selfish?
We’re all surrounded by things we don’t use. Why keep things that you never use?
You may be desperately short of space and get frustrated at the clutter all around you, and yet may feel unable to declutter due to a sentimental attachment to certain objects from your past.
You have lots of clutter lying around. So what? What’s wrong with keeping clutter anyway?