How To Make Housework Easier
It’s not the cleaning that takes the time, it’s moving all the junk out of the way. Help yourself by sweeping away your clutter first.
It’s not the cleaning that takes the time, it’s moving all the junk out of the way. Help yourself by sweeping away your clutter first.
People who don’t have children may think they have problems with clutter, but they don’t know the half of it.
Do you have a cupboard stuffed full of clothes but still have nothing to wear?
We love our pets and indulge them as if they were our children. Too much of that can lead to clutter.
If only that were true! Let’s ‘shed’ some light on the tricky subject of the garden shed…
It’s not just homes and offices that become cluttered; our finances can become cluttered too.
We’re often reluctant to give our clutter away, because we’re convinced that it’s worth something. But if we calculate the economics of clutter then we’ll understand that it’s not worth very much.
Sometimes it’s hard to feel motivated to get rid of all your clutter, but if you could swap your unused items for cash, you might feel a bit more keen.
When you know that a move is imminent it’s common for you to look around with a feeling of despair and think to yourself “Where do I start?”
All mums have a lot to cope with, but there is something that is impacting upon your time, your energy and your feelings of well being like a secret enemy; and that thing is clutter.
A 10 step guide to clearing the clutter from your car’s garage.
You’re being attacked on all sides by a small but deadly enemy. Paper… the deadliest foe of the de-clutterer.
If you’ve been too busy to look out of your window for a while, you may get an unpleasant surprise; your garden has gone wild!
Clutter makes any car look awful. Whether you have a Mini, a Mondeo, or a Mercedes; any car will look better if it’s clean and uncluttered.
Problems with clutter are not confined to adults. As every parent knows, coping with children’s clutter can be more tiring than coping with your own!
How to de-clutter your home quickly.
Moving house is one of the most stressful life events we can undertake, but my theory is that most of the angst is caused by clutter.
Once you’ve de-cluttered properly so that you only own the items you use and love, storage should be relatively simple.
Don’t pack an elephant when you travel, or at least the equivalent of one. Clutter is the worst travelling companion.
Paper clutter is a big problem for most people. Sometimes it feels that everywhere we turn we’re surrounded in a sea of paper and we’re drowning. But all is not lost.
I’m taking it for granted that, with a few rare exceptions, pretty much everyone hates housework. So why doesn’t everyone hate clutter too?
As you grope through the clutter in your life, do you ever wonder what your storage is actually for?
The holiday season is upon us and our minds are full of exciting plans for travel. But how do we avoid the delay and stress of taking too much clutter with us?
It’s been resting all winter but now it’s waking up and before long it will swarm everywhere. Like an angry triffid it will soon be unstoppable! I’m talking about your garden.
Even if you only possess what you actually use, if you got it all out your home would look a horrible mess. Adequate storage is the only way to stop your abode looking like a scene from a disaster movie!
We’ve all done it. Bought clothes, sometimes really expensive ones that we couldn’t afford, and then not worn them. Result: a wardrobe full of clutter.
Your clutter isn’t just innocuously lying around, it’s keeping you poor.