Hunting Mobile Clutter

Hunting Mobile Clutter

Car clutter

Your car can be a great clutter collector, especially if you have children. Children can mess up a car interior in one short journey with sweet wrappers and toys. If you are foolish enough to allow them to eat a fast food meal in your car then the devastation has to be seen to be believed.

Even if you don’t have kids, cars can collect junk. Newspapers, books, chocolate wrappers, car park tickets, yesterday’s post which you opened in the car on your way out, anti freeze, windscreen ice scrapers, bumper blackener, your car manual, a road atlas, your RAC/AA book, your A-Z of whatever city you live in or have recently visited, a stack of CD’s, a dirty hanky, some dried up wet wipes, the brochure from your last trip to the zoo along with the monkey postcards you bought. All these, and more, can build up in your car until it may be difficult to sit down, let alone have some leg room!

This collection of clutter not only looks awful but will have a depressing effect upon you. It will put off anyone you offer a lift to, and will not raise anyone’s opinion of you if they happen to glance into your car.

Another clutter problem can be decorative items. “Funny” window stickers, bumper stickers, furry dice, dogs with wobbly heads (all the clichés), can make your car look a bit of a mess if you overdo it. Have a few, by all means, if they are to your taste, but try not to have too many or you will look like a travelling circus and no one will take you seriously.

Caravan clutter

Caravans collect a lot of clutter because people holiday in them and spent up to a week or more living in them. You need almost as much stuff in a caravan as you do in your house and if you don’t unpack thoroughly after your holiday, then the mess will sit undisturbed until your next one. Living in such a small space is made much more cramped if you acquire clutter, so clear out any rubbish and don’t pack anything you will not be using on a regular basis. This will ensure that your holiday will be a happier one (and it will be much quicker to unpack again afterwards).

Suitcase clutter

People pack far too much when they go on holiday. They seem to have the impression that they must prepare for every possible emergency situation; that they will read six novels, will need their entire first aid cabinet, every toiletry in under the sun and that they will wear outfits they wouldn’t be seen dead in at home.

If you are going abroad then you will be even more likely to overload. After all, you may not like foreign food, you will need various phrase and guide books, all your toiletries from home (in case you can’t buy them there), plus gallons of sun cream, your first aid kit will double in size (who knows what strange germs may be lurking in a foreign country), insect repellent in case you are attacked by giant mosquitoes, and extra clothes in case it is warm, cold, wet, casual wear is the norm, or posh wear is indispensible. How many times do you come back from holiday and find that half of your suitcase contents have been untouched?

Now that we have circumnavigated all the rooms in your house, and even the outside, and listed and defined all the clutter danger areas, it is time to move on to releasing clutter.


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